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Comedy letter to kid who sold me N64 magazine in 1998

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    Comedy letter to kid who sold me N64 magazine in 1998

    This is kinda gaming related, so I'm putting it in general gaming.

    So I was going through old magazines, and came across an issue of N64 magazine which I had bought off a kid in 1998, who must have been about 10-years-old at the time. He'd advertised the issues in the Yellow Free Ads newspaper for my area. I'd phoned him, sent a cheque and got the mags a few days later.

    Anyway, I found that he'd filled in the form for a competition in the mag but never sent it off because he couldn't answer all the questions, but it still had his address.

    I'd been drinking wine at the time, and thought it would be hilarious to write an insane letter and post it to this address, over 12 years later. The guy would likely be in his early 20s, and probably at Uni, but it seemed like a great idea. This was a stream of consciousness letter written in one go, pausing only to draw the pictures.

    Some of you on here have maybe bought items off me, and will recall that I'd sometimes include weird pictures on the side, and one guy I even sent along with the game he'd bought a crazy comic book story involving government conspiracies and horse racing, complete with Japanese text. I don't always include weird stuff with items I sell, but sometimes I do - just for a laugh.

    Except that this morning I showed the letter to some friends, asking their opinion, and they all said it was a VERY BAD idea. What if he'd had a bereavement in the family and received this disturbing letter? If he'd recently been burgled he might hand it to the police, incriminating me in the crime. What if he was a serial killer, and they police raided his house and found my letter, they might start looking for ME. Or maybe he'd follow the postage mark on the front and try to hunt me down.

    So I decided not to send it. But I didn't want the letter to go to waste, so here it is.

    But just think about it. You sell a mag to someone via the phone in the mid-1990s. Over a decade later you get an anonymous insane letter, from someone you never even met face to face. What a crazy world, huh?

    I also thought, maybe someone here is actually that person. Are you called Chris and did you sell me a copy of N64 magazine in the 1990s?
    Last edited by Sketcz; 31-05-2010, 07:45.

    Yes, I remember you sent me a picture with the Duo. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was the same picture of 'Chris' you drew there. It didn't quite explain the AV cable colours that were swapped round, but it was a nice touch none the less.


      Ahh yes, I've done about 20 Coffeetableman cartoons, kind of a running series (including one where his Coffeetablewife has a child, which turns out to have been fathered by a wickerchair!). I'd put scans up, but gave most of them to the art editor at my last job.


        Excellent. Can't read most of it, but the very idea is hilarious.

        It's a lot like some things I've written, except for the most part I was genuinely mentally ill at the time. I've just finished making a book for my photography course which was inspired by such mental ramblings. You can see the photos and some of the text here:

